question:peux tu me donner code css du lien suivant :
answer:Désolé, mais je ne peux pas vous fournir directement le code CSS spécifique d'un site web existant. Cependant, je peux expliquer comment vous pouvez consulter le code CSS d'un site en utilisant les outils de développement intégrés dans la plupart des navigateurs modernes. Voici comment vous pouvez le faire : 1. **Ouvrez le site web dans votre navigateur**. 2. **Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur la page** (ou appuyez longuement si vous utilisez un écran tactile) et choisissez **"Inspecter"** ou **"Inspecter l'élément"** selon le navigateur que vous utilisez. 3. **Naviguez vers l'onglet "Styles" ou "Style Editor"** dans les outils de développement. Vous y verrez le CSS utilisé pour la page courante. 4. **Si vous voulez voir tous les fichiers CSS d'un site**, cherchez l'onglet **"Sources"** ou **"Network"** dans la fenêtre des outils de développement. Sous "Sources", vous devriez voir une structure de dossiers où vous pouvez trouver les fichiers CSS qui sont chargés. Dans "Network", vous pouvez filtrer par type de ressource pour afficher uniquement les fichiers CSS, mais vous devrez probablement actualiser la page avec les outils de développement ouverts pour voir les ressources se charger. N'oubliez pas que bien que vous puissiez voir et copier le code CSS (et HTML et JavaScript) d'un site, cela ne signifie pas que vous avez le droit de l'utiliser. Le code est protégé par le droit d'auteur, et l'utilisation du travail d'autres personnes sans autorisation peut constituer une violation du droit d'auteur. Assurez-vous d'avoir le droit de réutiliser les éléments du site avant de copier quoi que ce soit, ou utilisez cette méthode uniquement à des fins éducatives et pour apprendre comment les différentes fonctionnalités sont implémentées.
question:Write an romcom anime scene about a young man meeting the two nurses of the academy he's going to. His uniform consists of a dark blue prison-style jumpsuit. The setting is a academy for young men around 18-20 years old, mostly run by women and a stern female principal. The two nurses are men. They both wear labcoats. They're both German. Their names are Klaus and Max. Klaus is Gentle, Quiet, Dominant and Curious. Max is Flamboyant, Playful and Flirty. Klaus has slicked back blonde hair and glasses. Max has bleached white hair. Klaus is 24 and Max is 20.
answer:INT. ACADEMY INFIRMARY - DAY The infirmary is a pristine, white room brimming with the sterile scent of disinfectant. Sunlight pours through the windows, casting a warm glow over the neat rows of beds. Enter KENJI, 18, with messy jet-black hair and bright, inquisitive eyes. He fidgets with the cuffs of his dark blue prison-style jumpsuit, looking more than a little out of place in the clean and orderly academy for young men. Kenji's gaze shifts around the infirmary; he's been sent here for a routine health check on his first day. But it's not the room that captures his attention—it's the two men in lab coats. KENJI (under his breath) I didn't expect to find myself in the nurses' den so soon... KLAUS, a gentle giant with slicked-back blonde hair and glasses that catch the reflection of the light, looks up from his clipboard. He locks eyes with Kenji and offers a small, reassuring smile. KLAUS (in a soft German accent) You must be Kenji. Welcome to our infirmary. I am Klaus. Please, take a seat. Kenji nods, his face heating up a touch. As he makes his way to an empty chair, he catches sight of MAX, a younger nurse with an eye-catching shock of bleached white hair. He's leaning against a counter, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. MAX (flamboyantly, with a playful wink) And I'm Max. Don't worry, we'll take excellent care of you! Kenji stumbles slightly, unprepared for the flirty overture, and drops his academy handbook. He quickly bends down to pick it up, his cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red. KENJI (stammering) Thank you. I-I'm sure I'll be fine. Klaus watches the interaction with a hint of amusement in his eyes, then steps forward to assist Kenji. He gently takes the handbook from Kenji's hand and places it on a nearby table. KLAUS (calm and dominant) We have some paperwork for you to fill out. He hands Kenji a clipboard with several forms attached, his fingers brushing lightly against Kenji's. Kenji's heart races at the contact. MAX (seductively, leaning in close) Need help with those forms? I've always got time for one-on-one. Kenji looks up into Max's teasing blue eyes and swallows nervously. Klaus clears his throat, regaining Max's attention. KLAUS (sternly but not unkindly) Max, why don't you prepare the examination room? Max throws Klaus a mock salute and saunters off with an exaggerated sashay. Klaus turns back to Kenji, his expression softening. KLAUS Do not mind him. Max enjoys his... theatrics. Shall we begin? KENJI (relieved) Yes, please. As Klaus goes through Kenji's medical history, the young man can't help but feel the odd sensation of being caught between two very different forces—the calm dominance of Klaus and the flirtatious energy of Max. It's going to be an unforgettable academy experience. FADE OUT.
question:Random popular sight seeing, one word with architecture before it
answer:Architecture Colosseum
question: bu ürün için rekabetçi bir seo keywords yazabilir misin virgül ve boşluk olarak
answer:Anemometre, hava akım hızını ölçen, PCE Instruments, AM-30, yüksek kaliteli, güvenilir, hava hızı ölçüm cihazı.