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question:переведи на английский: Главный герой Стив Рик сбегает из своей камеры через лазейку в стене. Пройдя по коридорам полу-разрушенной психбольницы, Стив обнаруживает фонарик. Повсеместно встречая призраков зомби, главный герой становится жертвой галлюцинаций. Позже, Рик приходит в себя в камере психбольницы, которая, через некоторое время открывается. Обнаруживая зомби всё снова и снова, Стив находит ключ от коридора далее. Исследуя остатки больницы, Рик обнаруживает кухонный нож в столовой, который помогает ему пройти в комнату с мешками для тел. Сломав решётку, Стив попадает в канализацию. В канализации Стив попадает в ловушку с зомби, тем самым впервые встретившись с ним вблизи. Одержав верх, Рик обнаруживает ключ от двери, ведущей в коридор. В коридоре Стив нажимает скрытый рычаг, который открывает путь в комнату для душевнобольных. Придя в себя, Рик обнаруживает, что больница больше не выглядит разрушенной, а в её коридорах вновь ходят доктора. После длительных хождений по коридору, Стив приходит в себя и понимает, что он до сих пор в полу-разрушенной психбольнице. Найдя пульт управления дверями, Рик открывает дверь и проходит дальше. На подходе к двери дальше, Стив попадает в ловушку, провалившись под пол. Зомби схватывают его и передают врачу-зомби, который убивает его.

answer:The main character, Steve Rick, escapes from his cell through a hole in the wall. Walking through the corridors of the dilapidated psychiatric hospital, Steve finds a flashlight. Encountering zombies and ghosts everywhere, the main character becomes a victim of hallucinations. Later, Rick wakes up in the hospital room, which is opened after some time. Discovering zombies again and again, Steve finds the key to the corridor. Exploring the remains of the hospital, Rick finds a kitchen knife in the cafeteria, which helps him get into the room with body bags. Breaking the grille, Steve enters the sewer system. In the sewer, Steve falls into a trap with zombies, meeting them for the first time up close. Winning the battle, Rick finds the key to the door leading to the corridor. In the corridor, Steve presses a hidden lever that opens the way to the insane asylum room. Coming to his senses, Rick discovers that the hospital no longer looks dilapidated, and doctors are walking in its corridors again. After a long walk down the corridor, Steve comes to his senses and realizes that he is still in the partially destroyed psychiatric hospital. Finding the door control panel, Rick opens the door and moves on. Approaching the next door, Steve falls into a trap, falling through the floor. Zombies grab him and hand him over to a doctor zombie, who kills him.

question:напиши описание для мода Mistake для Half-Life на английском : Разработчик Ashkandi Серия Mistake Следующая Mistake-1 Дата 28 октября 2007 года Жанр Шутер от первого лица Хоррор Режим Однопользовательская игра Платформа Microsoft Windows

answer:Mistake is a horror first-person shooter video game mod for Half-Life, developed by Ashkandi and released on October 28, 2007. The game takes place in a dark and eerie environment, where the main character must navigate through a series of terrifying levels filled with dangerous traps, obstacles, and enemies. Mistake features a single-player mode and is exclusive to the Microsoft Windows platform. With its immersive atmosphere and engaging gameplay, Mistake-1 quickly became a beloved title among horror game enthusiasts and Half-Life fans alike. As the debut entry in the Mistake series, the mod set the tone for the sequels, which continued to captivate players with their unique blend of suspense, action, and horror.

question:Write a plot and a better, more creative title for 14 year old Jane’s neighbour and friend, 12 year old Molly Ling crying when she hears/people calling her by her full name, Molly-Rose Ling, her full name was supposed to be Molly-Rose Ling, as her twin’s full name was going to be Rose-Molly Ling, but her twin died during birth and was born stillborn, and her mother decide to name Molly-Rose just Molly after losing the real Rose, much to the dismay of her father, who wanted to keep the name Molly-Rose (season 2 episode 24b) from the episodic animated teen series “Jane”?

answer:Title: The Name That Haunts Her Plot: Molly Ling is a 12-year-old girl who has always been sensitive about her name. Her full name is Molly-Rose Ling, but her twin sister was stillborn, and her mother decided to name her just Molly, which upset her father. Molly's neighbor and friend, Jane, senses her discomfort and decides to talk to her about it. Molly reveals her deep sadness about not being able to have her full name and how much it means to her. Jane decides to help her out by creating a secret project where she finds a way to add Rose to Molly's name. With the help of their friends, they create a beautiful rose garden in their backyard, and they show it to Molly. Overwhelmed by their love and support, Molly finally embraces her full name and proudly introduces herself to her family and friends as Molly-Rose Ling.



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