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question:how to import python file that starts with number

answer:In Python, module or file names cannot start with a number. This is because the Python interpreter treats names that start with numbers as invalid syntax. If you have a Python file that starts with a number, you should rename it to start with a letter or underscore. If the file name cannot be changed, you can try to import it using the `importlib` module's `import_module` function. Here's an example: ```python import importlib.util filename = '' module_name = 'my_module' spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, filename) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) ``` This code creates a module from the file specified by `filename`, and gives it the name `my_module`. You can then use `my_module` to access the functions and variables defined in ``. However, this is not recommended as it can make your code hard to understand and maintain. It's better to rename the file to start with a letter or underscore if possible.

question:how to use pyton module schedule to run every three hours

answer:You can use the Python module `schedule` to run a task every three hours by setting up a job and specifying the interval using the `schedule.every()` method. Here's an example of how to set up a job to run a function called `my_task()` every three hours: ```python import schedule import time def my_task(): # do something here print("Task executed at", time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) schedule.every(3) while True: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1) ``` In this code, we first define the `my_task()` function, which will be called every three hours. We then use `schedule.every(3).hours` to set the interval for the job to three hours. This means that the `my_task()` function will be executed every three hours. We then use a while loop that calls `schedule.run_pending()` to check if any jobs are pending and need to be run. The `time.sleep(1)` method is used to pause execution of the loop for one second, to avoid using up a lot of CPU resources. When the `my_task()` function is called, it will print a message to the console indicating that it was executed. You can replace this with whatever function you want to execute every three hours.

question:python module schedule how to run only on working days

answer:You can use the Python module `schedule` to schedule a task to run only on working days by adding an `if` statement to check whether the current day is a working day before running the task. Here's an example of how to run a scheduled task only on working days: ```python import schedule import time import datetime def my_task(): # do something here print("Task executed on",'%A, %d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S')) def is_weekday(): today = return today < 5 # Monday = 0, Friday = 4 schedule.every()"09:00").do(my_task).when(is_weekday) while True: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1) ``` In this code, we first define the `my_task()` function, which will be called only on working days. We then define an `is_weekday()` function, which uses the `datetime` module to get the current day of the week and checks whether it is a weekday (from Monday to Friday). We use `schedule.every()"09:00").do(my_task).when(is_weekday)` to set up the scheduled task to run every day at 9:00, but with a condition that it should only run on weekdays. This is done using the `when()` method, which takes a function that returns `True` or `False`. If the function returns `True`, then the job will be executed, otherwise it will be skipped. We then use a while loop that calls `schedule.run_pending()` to check if any jobs are pending and need to be run. The `time.sleep(1)` method is used to pause execution of the loop for one second, to avoid using up a lot of CPU resources. When the `my_task()` function is called, it will print a message to the console indicating that it was executed only on working days. You can replace this with any function you want to execute only on working days.

question:напиши курсовую работу Изменения нормативных и регуляторных требований в области ИБ (по отрасли или в целом). по плану 1. Введение: обоснование актуальности темы, цель и задачи курсовой работы. 2. Обзор теоретических основ ИБ в таможенных органах: описание основных понятий, принципов и методов защиты информации.

answer:3. История изменений нормативных и регуляторных требований в области ИБ в таможенных органах: описание ключевых изменений в законодательстве и правилах, которые повлияли на защиту информации в данной отрасли. 4. Анализ текущего состояния нормативных и регуляторных требований в области ИБ в таможенных органах: описание существующих стандартов, методов и процедур защиты информации, а также выявление проблем и недостатков в их реализации. 5. Ожидаемые изменения в нормативных и регуляторных требованиях в области ИБ в таможенных органах: описание предполагаемых изменений законодательства, правил и стандартов, которые ожидаются в ближайшее время, и их возможное влияние на защиту информации в данной отрасли. 6. Практические рекомендации по обеспечению ИБ в таможенных органах: разработка мероприятий по улучшению защиты информации в соответствии с ожидаемыми изменениями в нормативных и регуляторных требованиях, а также общие рекомендации по улучшению ИБ в данной отрасли. 7. Выводы: общая оценка состояния ИБ в таможенных органах, анализ существующих проблем и недостатков, а также предложения по улучшению системы защиты информации в данной отрасли.

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