question:重新组织语言叙述以下内容:(1)第一个报文段的数据序号是 70 到 99,共 30 字节的数据。 (2)B 期望收到下一个报文段的第一个数据字节的序号为 100,因此确认号为 100。 (3)A 发送的第二个报文段中的数据中的字节数是 180 - 100 = 80 字节 (4)B 在第二个报文段到达后向 A 发送确认,其确认号应为 70。
answer:以下是重新组织的内容: A向B发送第一个报文段,数据序号为70到99,总共30个字节。接着,B期望下一个报文段的第一个数据字节的序号为100,因此确认号为100。A发送的第二个报文段中,数据的字节数为80个(从100到179)。B在第二个报文段到达后,向A发送确认,其确认号应为70。
question:重新组织语言叙述以下内容:慢开始算法慢开始算法是指在TCP发送方开始发送数据时,先让拥塞窗口的大小从1 MSS开始,每收到一个传输成功的ACK报文就使得拥塞窗口的大小乘以2,使得TCP连接可以在一定程度上快速建立,尽可能多地传输数据,从而避免因突然大量数据拥塞而引起网络阻塞的问题。 拥塞避免算法当拥塞窗口增加到一定值之后,TCP发送方就需要采用拥塞避免算法,以避免过多的数据包打满网络带宽引起丢包和拥堵。其策略是每次增加1 MSS的拥塞窗口的大小,即拥塞窗口增长速率为1/MSS。当发生丢包或超时时,TCP就会停止拥塞避免算法,而重新使用慢开始算法。 快重传算法快重传算法是在TCP连接发生重传之前尝试重新传输丢失的报文段。当TCP发送方持续收到连续的重复ACK报文,就可以认为携带该ACK报文的ACK确认号前的数据包都已经到达接收方,那么TCP就可以直接重传该ACK确认号对应的数据包,从而提高重传的速度和减小网络负载。 快恢复算法快恢复算法是在TCP的拥塞控制机制中使用的一种技术,在发生丢包或拥塞时,TCP连接可以通过快重传算法获得一部分丢失的报文段,然后使用快恢复算法,将窗口大小减半,但不重新触发慢开始算法,从而能够保持连接的高速传输,同时减少丢包、提高网络性能。 乘法减小是指在拥塞避免算法中,当窗口大小达到一定值时,每次发生丢包后,将窗口大 小减半,从而减小网络拥塞和避免进一步丢包或拥塞。 加法增大是指每收到一个ACK确认报文后,增加拥塞窗口的大小,即让拥塞窗口的大小 增加一个MSS的值,以提高TCP连接传输速率,但当发生拥塞或丢包时,需要使用乘法 减小算法,将窗口大小减小一定比例来减少拥塞和错误传输。
answer:慢开始算法是指TCP发送方在开始发送数据时,先让拥塞窗口的大小从1 MSS开始,每收到一个成功传输的ACK报文就使得拥塞窗口的大小乘以2。这样TCP连接可以在一定程度上快速建立,从而避免因突然大量数据拥塞而引起网络阻塞的问题。 拥塞避免算法则是在拥塞窗口增加到一定值之后,TCP发送方采用的一种策略。每次增加1 MSS的拥塞窗口大小,即拥塞窗口增长速率为1/MSS。当发生丢包或超时时,TCP就会停止拥塞避免算法,而重新使用慢开始算法。 快重传算法是在TCP连接发生重传之前尝试重新传输丢失的报文段。当TCP发送方收到连续的重复ACK报文时,便可认为该ACK确认号前的数据包都已经到达接收方,TCP就可以直接重传该ACK确认号对应的数据包,从而提高重传的速度和减小网络负载。 快恢复算法是TCP拥塞控制机制中使用的一种技术。当发生丢包或拥塞时,TCP连接可通过快重传算法获得一部分丢失的报文段,然后使用快恢复算法,将窗口大小减半,但不重新触发慢开始算法,从而保持连接的高速传输,同时减少丢包、提高网络性能。 乘法减小是指在拥塞避免算法中,当窗口大小达到一定值时,每次发生丢包后将窗口大小减半,从而减小网络拥塞、避免进一步丢包或拥塞。而加法增大则指每收到一个ACK确认报文后,增加拥塞窗口的大小,让拥塞窗口增加一个MSS的值,以提高TCP连接传输速率。但当发生拥塞或丢包时,需要使用乘法减小算法,将窗口大小减小一定比例,来减少拥塞和错误传输。
question:Referencing this "For this testing method, I will conduct an online survey using Microsoft forms. The tester would be my audience group which is other high school Keystone students. I will execute this test method by sending photos of the product to the audience group and letting them answer the questions according to what they observe. Looking at the product is enough to answer the questions in this case as the questions I will put in the forms all relate to the aesthetics specification, therefore observing the product would be sufficient to allow them to access if the aesthetics is designed correctly. The questions included for the audience group would be all multiple-choice questions as I want to receive short and simple answers if my product reaches the aesthetics standard instead of how and why it did. The more complicated, longer answers would be collected through the face-to-face interview." please describe the test method of face to face interview
answer:The face-to-face interview is described as a method of collecting more complicated and longer answers from the audience group about the product's aesthetics. This testing method involves conducting interviews with the Keystone students who are selected as testers, in a one-on-one setting. The interviewer will ask open-ended questions regarding their observations and opinions about the product's aesthetics, design, and functionality. The questions may delve deeper into why they think the product looks the way it does, what they would change about it, and how it compares to other similar products. The interviewer will note down their responses and analyze them to gain more insights into the tester's perspective on the product. This testing method is useful for obtaining detailed feedback from the target audience, which can help the product designers improve specific aspects of the product.
question:WRITE AN EMAIL for salam viper net regarding the internet installation was made in a another house so am paying for a service am not able to use And the employee who installed it no longer responds to me And customer service now says that the house does not support the service in the first place so what do i do
answer:Dear Salam Viper Net Customer Service, I am writing to you today to express my disappointment and frustration. I had recently requested an internet installation in my home, and your employee came to install it. Unfortunately, the employee made a mistake and installed it in the wrong house. I am now paying for a service that I am not able to use, and the employee who installed it no longer responds to me. When I reached out to your customer service for help, I was told that the house does not support the service in the first place. This is quite confounding since we had already been quoted a price over the phone for installation. I was really excited when my family got the news of the possibility of installation, and now we feel low after the installation mess. I am writing to you today to request a resolution to this issue. I have already paid for the installation and now find myself without internet service. I would appreciate it if someone from your team could contact me as soon as possible to discuss what actions can be taken to remedy this situation. Thank you, [Your Name]